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    icon-event 26.04.202410:00 o'clock

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Titel: DRIVEN by DATA, Untertitel: The mFUND Workshop Series about Mobility Innovation in Europe, vor einer EU-Flagge, gelbe Sterne vor blauem Grund

Source: BMDV

Ensuring the safety of participants and residents and the way to and back, and during big events is a challenge for event and mobility planners. Especially in cities, where space is limited and the mobility network is complex under normal circumstances. In this context, crowd analysis and simulation models provide a powerful tool to increase efficiency, safety and reliability of mobility options during big events. In order to discuss and explore these alternatives, the seventh workshop of the Driven by Data Workshop Series will address current innovations in the field of crowd simulation and analysis.

A keynote will outline the current challenges in organizing safe and efficient mobility for big events, taking the example of UEFA EURO 2024. Beyond that, four European research and innovation projects will give an insight into new technologies for crowd simulation and analysis that can improve event management and safety. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss relevant challenges and possible solutions and network with speakers and other participants.

You are invited to join and share your knowledge and ideas during the event. We look forward to your participation!

Register for this online workshop by sending an email with the subject "EU-Workshop 7/24" to mFUND@bmdv.bund.de, or using the link posted in the Driven by Data LinkedIn group. You will receive a link to a virtual meeting room shortly before the event.


10.00 Welcome and brief introduction - Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV)
Tim Rittmann, Funding Initiatives and Data Innovations (DP 24)

10.05 Thematic keynote – The role of digitalisation and data to ensure safe passenger movement in mass transit - Preparation for UEFA EURO 2024 and other large events
Annika Degen, Association of German Transport Companies (VDV) / Germany

10.30 Projects pitches, discussions and networking
Crowdanym (mFUND) – Possibilities of anonymous data collection as a basis for data-driven visit management in Bamberg's old town
Daniela Nicklas, Uni Bamberg / Germany

Safe-Cities (H2020) – riSk-based Approach For the protEction of public spaces in European CITIES
Umberto Battista, STAM SRL / Italy

CroMa PRO (BMBF) – Simulation-based traffic and crowd management at major events
Jette Schumann, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Christian Löper, Eventbande GmbH / Germany

TeamAware (H2020) – Team Awareness Enhanced with Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality
Monica Florea, Software Imagination and Vision / Romania

11.30 Exchange and discussion
Moderation: Marcia Giacomini and Felix Schneider, TÜV Rheinland

Contributions from participants and discussion, focussing on possible innovations and how to scale up solutions generated by research and innovation (R&I) projects

11.55 Announcements and farewell
Tim Rittmann, BMDV

12.00 End of workshop 7

About the online mFUND-Workshop series “Driven by Data - The mFUND workshop series about mobility innovation in Europe”

In 2021 the German Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV) started the workshop series "Data Innovations for Smart Mobility in Europe" as part of the mFUND activities to foster knowledge exchanges and networking between stakeholders from the political sphere, business, user groups and research communities in Germany and abroad. In 2023 the series is back under a new name: “Driven by Data”.

Driven by data is motivated by the opportunities data can provide to mobility systems in Europe. Data use can be applied in all parts and stages of the system, ranging from more user-centric, environment-friendly and inclusive mobility planning to more efficient use of resources and increased resilience systems. In this series, speakers from all around Europe will give an overview of their projects activities, ideas and challenges, serving as inspiration for discussions with participants. The intention is to keep it simple and straightforward, further providing a platform to knowledge exchange and the creation of new partnerships between European stakeholders.